OpenWGA 7.4 - WebTML reference

WebTML tags

<tml:[All tags]>

Description :
General attributes and taginfos valid in all TML tags.
Name Value(s) Purpose
appendvar variable-name Appends the tag result to a WebTML variable as list element
context context-expression Changes the document context of the current tag
divider text Specifies a string by which multiple values in the tags result should be separated
encode encoder[, encoder, ...] Encodes the output with some encoding scheme
format format-expression Formats a number or date result
id tag-id Specifies an ID for this tag
if/unless itemexpression

If any condition in the if expression is false the tag is not rendered.

If any condition in the unless expression is true the tag is not rendered.

output true | false | 0 | 1 | t | f Suppresses (or activates) the output of the tag
privatecontext context-expression Changes the document context of the current tag without letting subtags inherit it
psessionvar variable-name Stores the result of the tag as WebTML portlet session variable
pvar variable-name Stores the result of the tag as WebTML portlet variable
sessionvar variable-name Stores the result of the tag as WebTML session variable
trim true | false | 0 | 1 | t | f Removes leading and trailing whitespace from the tag output
var variable-name Stores the result of the tag as WebTML variable

Tag-Infos :
contentkey: the content key of the content document in the context of this tag
result: The result of the tags body as a string (not available if output=false ist set)
taglevel: The level of this tag inside the tag hierarchy of the website